I spent a majority of my life camping and I can recall some of my fondest memories around a campfire or in a tent telling stories or just listening to nature. It has been proven that spending time in nature has huge mental benefits and what a great way to bond and create memories with friends and family than packing up the car and heading out into the wilderness to do just that.

first of all lets start with itinerary and all you will need for your camping adventure. Here is a list of all the basics that I use for my camping trips but feel free to expand on this. This list is for basic camping with family and is not meant for extreme or survivalist’s camping which I will expand on later on another post.

  • Tent- There are many brands and sizes but I would recommend getting one slightly larger than what your needs are so you can keep a few things inside during the night.
  • Padding- Here you can get either cots, air mattress or any other padding that will make that camping sleep that much more memorable.
  • Sleeping bags/blankets– For this I recommend at least one under blanket and depending on where you you will be camping possibly an over blanket. Their is quite a variety of sleeping bags you can get so I will post some of the highest rated sleeping bags for you to choose from.
  • Cooking– In this I will contain all items that will make your campsite cooking easier from pots and pans, to cups and silverware and also a cooktop that has stood the test of time, as well as great travel storage ideas. All of these items are tried and true and also have great reviews.
  • Food storage and creature comforts– These are the best all around food storage ranging from high end to fairly inexpensive but still great quality that will last for many camping trips.
  • This last part of the list will be all the odds and ends that I guarantee will make your camping experience a much less stressful and carefree experience the way it should be. I strongly suggest bringing most if not all these items with you on your camping adventure, and most of these you probably already have at your house.